Neuromuscular Therapy
$95 1HR – $75 45Mins
Restore sore and weak muscles with this form of medical massage that uses precise levels of concentrated pressure on areas of muscle spasm, referred to as trigger points. Neuromuscular therapy is meant to specifically address pain within the body.

Graston Technique Therapy
$45 30Mins – $80 60Mins
Detect and treat dysfunctional soft tissue and injured areas with this specialized form of manual therapy. Graston Techniques uses stainless steel instruments to locate and eliminate scar tissue and adhesion associated with trauma to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments which promote faster recovery.
Corrective Exercise
$45 30Mins – $60 45Mins
Improve and maintain your body’s posture, balance, mobility, and stability with a CES program tailored to your needs. Corrective exercise uses postural assessment and transitional movement assessment to identify under-active muscles.

$30 20Mins – $45 30Mins – $65 45Mins
Stretching helps support our muscles and joints as well as improve our range of motion and flexibility. It is an essential component to maintaining optimal health. With the help of a stretch professional, assisted stretching can improve circulation, improve posture, and can help relieve stress and pain.